Public relations - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Public relations PDF Print E-mail

Public relationsNowadays, public relations are really flourishing. One is right to believe that their time has come. But in order to expect any benefit from them, we must be familiar with the public relations skills. What are public relations? Why do we need them? What are we going to achieve with them?

Public relations enable you to project the image or the personality of your organization onto the "public" – client, supporters, sponsors, donators, the local community, consumers and others. It is about communicating your message to the public, but it is a two-way process. You must communicate with the public, but you should also provide the public with ways of communicating with you easily. Genuine public relations involve a dialogue – you should listen to others, see things from their perspective.

Public relations can be useful for any organization, not because of the sensational promotion of its achievements, but in order to become more critical of its own work. Seeing the organization in the way others see it can make you better, and you can be sure that you are giving your clients the best service possible.


  • Significance of the public relations and the relations with the media;
  • Building the strategy for public relations;
  • Preparation and presentation skills;
  • Radio and TV interviews;
  • Information and promotion materials;
  • Press releases and press conferences.
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