Advocacy and Lobbying for Education and Human Rights and Freedoms of Roma in Macedonia - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Advocacy and Lobbying for Education and Human Rights and Freedoms of Roma in Macedonia PDF Print E-mail

In terms of the tolerance and non-discrimination, Macedonia faces a lack of tolerance. This is a result of the interrelation between the ineffective state (lack of rule of law, corruption, inefficient state and highly centralized state) and the low level of public confidence and public spirit.

mbd104The intolerance is highly evident and wide spread among several groups, including the Roma people. An important fact is that the people victims of indirect discrimination, harassment or any other type of unequal treatment are not even aware of this. On one hand, this is a result of lack of self-confidence and on the other hand this is due to lack of information and no awareness of the right to equal treatment.

On the other hand, the aim of the educational policy of every country is to provide equal opportunities for acquiring appropriate education for everyone and all age groups and to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are in line with the requirements of the society and the labor market. Therefore, the education must be available for everyone, regardless of the age, gender, religious convictions, ethnical belonging, health conditions, social and financial position.

The overall objective of the project is further development of enabling environment for providing equal opportunities to all people, i.e. non-discrimination in Macedonia.

The project purpose is to strengthen the organizational and institutional capacity of the network “Roma 2002” and its mechanisms for advocacy and lobbying for anti-discrimination and equal opportunities of Roma people in education and exercising their human rights and freedoms.

The target group is Roma people in Macedonia.

Direct beneficiaries are: network of Roma civic organizations “Roma 2002”, as well as the Lobby Group for Education and the Lobby Group for Human Rights, established within this network.

The target area is the Republic of Macedonia.

The expected project results are:

  1. the functioning of the Lobby Group for Roma Education and the Human Rights Lobby Group;
  2. Visibility of the Lobby Group for Roma Education and the Human Rights Lobby Group in the public and public institutions and
  3. Enhanced institutional capacity of the network of Roma civil society organizations “Roma 2002”.

За реализација на целите на проектот, беа реализирани следниве активности: одржување на редовни месечни работни средби на Лоби групата за образование и  Лоби групата за човекови права на Ромите; одржана прес конференција; редовни месечни лоби средби и тематски лоби настани на членовите на Лоби групата со јавните и државни институции од областа на образованието, локална самоуправа, граѓански сектор и други актери  релевантни за оваа проблематика.

For successful functioning of the Lobby Group for Roma Education and Human Rights Lobby Group, it is necessary to enhance the organizational and institutional capacity of the “Roma 2002” network. Some of the activities foreseen to realize this objective are the following: Internet presentation and regular maintaining of the “Roma 2002” web-site; regular meetings of the Steering Board;Annual Assembly;Organizational support for the office (auditing, accounting, transport, office materials, etc.)

Implementation period: April 1 – December 31, 2008.

Budget: 1,829,890 MKD.


Извршно резиме од проектот.

the functioning of the Lobby Group for Roma Education and the Human Rights Lobby Group

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