Macedonia and Northern Ireland exchange experience - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Macedonia and Northern Ireland exchange experience PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 22 March 2010 15:50

The first out of six experience exchange visits between Macedonia and Ireland is realized from March 22 to 25, 2010, mainly focused on sharing the experiences from the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Good Friday Agreement of Northern Ireland.

Bridge Macedonia and Northern Ireland/ Ireland – Experience Exchange

These visits are part of the MOST Project – International Dialogue for Civic Leadership, in which MCIC participates in partnership with Mediation Northern Ireland (MNI) from Belfast, supported by the European Union.

The first strand of participants is comprised of Al Hutchinson, Police Ombudsman of Northern Ireland, police representatives of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland as well as representatives of the civil society and academia (University College of Dublin) with interest in policing and justice reforms.

The guests from Northern Ireland will have meetings with:

  • Ixhet Memeti, Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia,
  • Abdilaqim Ademi, Vice Premier tasked for implementation of the Ohrid Agreement,
  • Gordana Jankulovska, Minister of Interior,
  • Xhevat Ademi, Chairman of the Committee for Relations between Communities,
  • Civil society organizations (Helsinki Committee and the coalition All for Fair Trials),
  • Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts (MANU)
  • OSCE Spillover Mission and EU Delegation to Macedonia.

The guests will visit the municipalities of Jegunovce and Tearce as role models of post-conflict development, police training center as well as the police station in Karpos municipality as a best practice example.

The Most Project is a learning and networking project aimed at addressing issues of segregation through the creation and development of international linkages, the exploration of good practice and the up-skilling of local mediation practitioners to work in an international basis. The project is based on three strands. MCIC is involved in the first one – transnational exchange of good practices.


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